Year of Publication
Martin School of Public Policy and Administration
Date Available
This study looked to test parking utilization rates in the Linden Walk, Aylesford Place and Transylvania Park (300 Block) neighborhood, while also studying resident perceptions of parking. It was concluded that Transylvania Park’s Residential Permit Parking resulted in underutilization of parking, while Linden Walk and Aylesford Place’s free on-street parking resulted in overutilization of parking due to spillover from the University of Kentucky. The purpose of the study was to determine if Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government should invest the resources to conduct an official parking study of the aforementioned Lexington neighborhood.
A comparison of research findings from this neighborhood against industry parking standards and Lexington’s requirements for a parking study, indicates that an official parking study would be a reasonable use of local parking management resources; however, because not all areas of Lexington were evaluated there is no claim made that this is necessarily the best use of local parking management resources. This research indicates that Linden Walk and Aylesford Place experience overutilization of on-street parking during peak hours (8 a.m-5 p.m) and that Transylvania Park (300 Block) experiences underutilization of parking at all times, when compared to the industry’s efficient utilization standards of 85-90% occupancy. Linden Walk and Aylesford Place were also compared to Lexington’s utilization standards for a Residential Permit Parking district of 75% overall utilization with at least 25% non-resident contribution standards. It was determined that both streets exceed the 75% peak occupancy threshold but only Aylesford Place had a non-resident occupancy level above 25%, with non-residents accounting for 32% of the occupancy during peak hours.
Recommended Citation
McCarthy, Ed, "An Exploratory Study of Parking in a Lexington Neighborhood" (2012). MPA/MPP/MPFM Capstone Projects. 71.