Year of Publication
Martin School of Public Policy and Administration
Date Available
Degree Name
Master of Public Administration
Dr. Ed Jennings
The overcrowding of jails and prisons and high recidivism rates are issues America is facing nationwide. Successful reentry into society following incarceration is a solution to this crisis. In response, in 2011, the Kentucky legislature passed House Bill 463 which mandated reentry councils across the state. The purpose of the councils are to address the current issues facing citizens returning from the justice system, develop a network of resources and service providers within their home area, and communicate and advocate for returning citizens by communicating issues to the community and their leaders.1 This analysis will develop a strategic plan for the Bluegrass Reentry Council. Research Design/ Results: I conducted a full-day strategic planning workshop with the Bluegrass Reentry Council board at their annual meeting. As a result of the workshop, the Board identified its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The Board developed the following: Mission: The Bluegrass Reentry Council is a collaborative group dedicated to helping individuals affected by incarceration. It achieves this through advocacy, community outreach, education, and resource referrals. Vision: Our vision is supportive communities, reduced recidivism, and self-sufficiency for successful reentry. Values: Reduce Stigma, Remove Barriers, Reliable Resources, Respect and Recognize People's Rights. Additionally, the Board set five main goals for the 1 “Our Groups.” Kentucky Department of Corrections 2 year including: Improve Social Media & Marketing, Increase Funding by $1,000, Engage with Youth Systems, Develop Structure of Meetings, and Data Tracking.
Recommended Citation
Geiger, Sydney, "The Bluegrass Reentry Council Strategic Plan" (2020). MPA/MPP/MPFM Capstone Projects. 400.