Year of Publication



Martin School of Public Policy and Administration

Date Available


Degree Name

Master of Public Financial Management


Dr. Urton L. Anderson


This study investigates how the nursing shortage affects the financial health of healthcare systems. Further, it examines the economic impact that healthcare systems face due to the nursing shortage and what they are doing to cope during this time to meet their nursing staff needs. The study focuses on hospitals in Kentucky and compares Kentucky to other states in the United States. This research aims to determine how the nursing shortage financially impacts Kentucky hospitals. The main question that this research paper will address is what impact do the nursing shortages have on the financial health of the healthcare system? Other specific questions to be answered are: 1) What are Kentucky hospitals doing to cope or address the shortage at their facilities? 2) Which areas in Kentucky are most affected by the nursing shortage? 3) How do areas within Kentucky compare to each other as well as other states?



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