Year of Publication



Martin School of Public Policy and Administration

Date Available


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration

Executive Summary

The Council of State Governments (CSG) is the premier organization forecasting policy trends for state leaders in all three branches of government. Central to its mission is the development of leadership training for improved decision-making of state elected and appointed officials.

CSG has sponsored the Henry Toll Fellowship Leadership Development Program for state and government officials since 1986. This competitive program invites ten state officials from each of the four regions, West, Midwest, South and East, to participate in an intensive five-day program to learn practical leadership skills and strategies to meet challenges and lead change and innovation.

While the Henry Toll Fellowship Program enjoys a national reputation of being among the most prestigious leadership development programs for state government officials, information was needed to discern the nature of this success for both continuing program improvement and possible replication into a Public Health Leadership Fellows Program. This evaluation captures information on the effectiveness of specific program components through a survey of alumni from the past six years.

The findings indicate that most graduates credit their experience in the program for their improved leadership skills, enhanced working relationships with individuals of different political viewpoints, increased self-confidence, and professional advancement. Since Toll alumni are an essential source of support for CSG, it is essential for CSG to provide additional networking opportunities to strengthen this alumni network and increase alumni involvement with CSG.



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