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Year of Publication
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Science in Medical Sciences (MSMS)
Nutritional Sciences
Dr. Ai-Ling Lin
The apolipoprotein ε (APOE) allele in humans has been associated with risk for development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). There are predominately three variations of the allele – ε2 (E2), ε3 (E3), and ε4 (E4) – with E4 contributing the greatest risk of AD development. Recent research has unveiled evidence of neurometabolic and neurovascular deficits in E4 carriers present decades before the onset of dementia; it is believed these chronic defects play a major role in the development of AD, thus making them a potential target for preventative intervention. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a ketogenic diet (KD) on cerebral metabolites, gut microbiome, and cerebral perfusion in young transgenic mice carrying the E4 allele. Here we show that within 16 weeks, the control E4 female mice had the worst outcomes, while the KD significantly rescued E4 female health markers compared to the other groups.
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Funding Information
This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grant (no.: RF1AG062480) in 2019.
Recommended Citation
Yackzan, Andrew T., "APOE Genotype and Sex Modulate Ketogenic Diet Enhancements to Metabolism and Gut Microbiome in Young Mice" (2022). Theses and Dissertations--Medical Sciences. 21.