Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation




Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Hailong Chen


Many structures in engineering are subject to multiphysics loadings or environment. Computational modeling plays a significant role to predict or evaluate the performance of these structures, especially in the scenarios where the experimental investigation is cumbersome or prohibitively expensive. Microstructure-based modeling incorporates the information of microstructures of materials in numerical models, which can provide insights about the relationship between microstructures and mate- rial properties. This research developed a microstructure-based modeling framework for coupling diffusion-deformation simulation of solids. The model is based on a recent developed meshfree method referred to as lattice particle method in the literature. In the developed model, the materials are modeled with regularly packed particles based on Bravais lattice. The physical interactions among material particles are modeled via bonds and nonlocal effects are captured. The main contribution of this research is outlined as follows. First, a nonlocal discrete heat conduction model was developed and applied to solve heat conduction problems in anisotropic materials. Second, a nonlocal thermo-hygro-mechanical model was developed and applied to simulate coupling thermo-hygro-mechanical behaviors of cross-ply laminate composites. In the last part, a voxel-based computational homogenization methodology was proposed to calculate effective thermal and mechanical properties of microstructures. Additionally, an STL-based homogenization model using standard mechanics approach was developed to further investigate the effective material properties and conduct microstructure-sensitivity study of FiberForm.

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Available for download on Saturday, August 01, 2026
