Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Document Type

Master's Thesis


Arts and Sciences


Classical Languages and Literature

First Advisor

Dr. Terence Tunberg


Marcus Antonius Muretus, humanista aetatis renascentium artium et orator, qui floruit 1526-1585, dicitur fuisse inter optimos oratores suae aetatis. Orationes Mureti per multa saecula legebantur et magni aestimabantur. Haec editio duarum orationum Mureti de praestantia litterarum est apta ad usum discipulorum qui facultatem Latine legendi confirmare debeant, qui nondum satis multa de humanismo sciant, qui provehere litteras et Latinas et Graecas volunt. In praefatione huius commentarii vitam Mureti, humanismum, artes liberales, cultum civilem Europaeum qui tempore renascentium artium exstabat, ipsam orationem, litteras humaniores, et methodum commentarii parandi tractamus.

Marcus Antonius Muretus (1526-1585) was a Renaissance humanist acknowledged as the foremost Latin orator of his day. His speeches were a model of Latin oratory not only in his own time, but in the centuries that followed. This edition of two of Muret's pedagogical speeches on the excellence of literature provides commentary for students who seek more experience reading unadapted Latin prose, to know more about humanism and European culture during the Renaissance, and to better appreciate Latin and Greek studies. The preface to this commentary discusses Muret's life, Humanism, literature and belles-lettres, the liberal arts, Renaissance culture, the state of Latin education in the Renaissance, oratory, and the text of the orations for this edition.

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