2016 Conference Sessions
Start Date
12-3-2016 10:55 AM
According to the CDC, autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability (2008). In the US, the prevalence is estimated at 1 in 68 births. Academic libraries need to be aware of this growing population so that we can educate library staff and be prepared to help people who learn and communicate differently. College students with disabilities face inequity when using the academic library, including the physical space, the library website, programming or lack thereof, restrictive loan periods, and resources that aren’t available in formats that they need. Academic libraries must be proactive and learn to recognize and minimize barriers, educate library staff, and improve services by using a universal design approach.
More information about this presentation topic is available from this video and this guide.
The Invisible: Serving Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, A Sensitivity Training
According to the CDC, autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability (2008). In the US, the prevalence is estimated at 1 in 68 births. Academic libraries need to be aware of this growing population so that we can educate library staff and be prepared to help people who learn and communicate differently. College students with disabilities face inequity when using the academic library, including the physical space, the library website, programming or lack thereof, restrictive loan periods, and resources that aren’t available in formats that they need. Academic libraries must be proactive and learn to recognize and minimize barriers, educate library staff, and improve services by using a universal design approach.