2016 Conference Sessions
Start Date
12-3-2016 10:40 AM
The Special Collections Research Center's education program offers students across all departments and disciplines the opportunity to learn from primary sources. By demystifying the research process, students are provided with powerful learning opportunities. As the Education Archivist Graduate Assistant, I plan and create activities for students visiting the SCRC to facilitate student learning and improve information literacy. This fast-growing, innovative program reached 2,038 students during the 2015-2016 academic year, and this is only one of many pieces of evidence pointing to the program's success.
The Special Collections Research Center's Education Program: A Reflection on Success
The Special Collections Research Center's education program offers students across all departments and disciplines the opportunity to learn from primary sources. By demystifying the research process, students are provided with powerful learning opportunities. As the Education Archivist Graduate Assistant, I plan and create activities for students visiting the SCRC to facilitate student learning and improve information literacy. This fast-growing, innovative program reached 2,038 students during the 2015-2016 academic year, and this is only one of many pieces of evidence pointing to the program's success.