Submissions from 1999
A Proposal to Require Lawyers to Disclose Information about Procedural Matters, William H. Fortune
A Proposal to Require Lawyers to Disclose Information About Procedural Matters, William H. Fortune
Renewed Introspection and the Legal Profession, Eugene R. Gaetke
Book Review of Policy Making in an Era of Global Environmental Change (R. E. Munn, J. W. M. la Riviere & N. van Lookeren Campagne eds., 1996), Michael P. Healy
Legislative Intent and Statutory Interpretation in England and the United States: An Assessment of the Impact of Pepper v. Hart, Michael P. Healy
Interpretation of the Kentucky Rules of Evidence—What Happened to the Common Law?, Robert G. Lawson
Constitutional Protection for Conversations between Therapists and Clients, Paul E. Salamanca
Some Realistic Thinking about Secular Effects, Paul E. Salamanca
The Professional and the Liar, Richard H. Underwood
Submissions from 1998
Paying for the Health Costs of Smoking: Loss Shifting and Loss Bearers, Richard C. Ausness
Replacing Strict Liability with a Contract-Based Products Liability Regime, Richard C. Ausness
The Impact of NSMIA on Small Issuers, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Summary Adjudication in United States Civil Procedure, Mary J. Davis
Toward the Proper Role for Mass Tort Class Actions, Mary J. Davis
An Ethical Argument to Restrict Domestic Partnerships to Same-Sex Couples, James M. Donovan
Reinterpreting Telepathy as Unusual Experiences of Empathy and Charisma, James M. Donovan
Kentucky Law Survey: Professional Responsibility, William H. Fortune
The Role of Ethics and Unauthorized Practice Opinions in Regulating the Practice of Law in Kentucky, William H. Fortune
The Theory, Reality, and Pragmatism of Corporate Governance in Bankruptcy Reorganizations, Christopher W. Frost
Kentucky Law Survey: Family Law, Louise Everett Graham
In the Belly of the Beast: A Comparison of the Evolution and Status of Prisoners' Rights in the United States and Europe, Roberta M. Harding
The Enforcement of Prisoners’ Rights in the United States: An Access to the Courts Issue, Roberta M. Harding
England's Contaminated Land Act of 1995: Perspectives on America's Approach to Hazardous Substance Cleanups And Evolving Principles of International Law, Michael P. Healy
Survey of Recent Developments in Third Circuit Law, Bonenberger v. Plymouth Township, 132 F.3d 20 (3d Cir. 1997), Nicole Huberfeld
Three Generations of Welfare Mothers Are Enough: A Disturbing Return to Eugenics in the Recent "Workfare" Law, Nicole Huberfeld
Kentucky Law Survey: Evidence, Robert G. Lawson
The Past and Future of Kentucky's Fraudulent Transfer and Preference Laws, Douglas C. Michael
Kentucky Law Survey: Taxation, Kathryn L. Moore
Privatization of Social Security: Misguided Reform, Kathryn L. Moore
Redistribution under a Partially Privatized Social Security System, Kathryn L. Moore
"Intensional Contexts" and the Rule that Statutes should be Interpreted as Consistent with International Law, John M. Rogers
Perjury! The Charges and the Defenses, Richard H. Underwood
Cyberlaundering: The Risks, the Responses, Sarah N. Welling and Andy G. Rickman
Submissions from 1997
An Insurance-Based Compensation System for Product-Related Injuries, Richard C. Ausness
Product Category Liability: A Critical Analysis, Richard C. Ausness
Treasury Regulations and Judicial Deference In The Post-Chevron Era, David A. Brennen
Blue Sky Laws and the Recent Congressional Preemption Failure, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Mass Tort Litigation: Congress's Silent, But Deadly, Reform Effort, Mary J. Davis
DOMA: An Unconstitutional Establishment of Fundamentalist Christianity, James M. Donovan
Toward a Model Relating Empathy, Charisma, and Telepathy, James M. Donovan
Psychic Unity Constraints upon Successful Intercultural Communication, James M. Donovan and Brian A. Rundle
Asset Securitization and Corporate Risk Allocation, Christopher W. Frost
Government Lawyers and Their Private “Clients” Under the Fair Housing Act, Eugene R. Gaetke and Robert G. Schwemm
An American Lawyer's Reflections on Pepper v. Hart, Michael P. Healy
Still Dirty After Twenty-Five Years: Water Quality Standard Enforcement and the Availability of Citizen Suits, Michael P. Healy
The Commerce Clause Post-Lopez: It's Not Dead Yet, Nicole Huberfeld
State and Local Taxation: When Will Congress Intervene?, Kathryn L. Moore
Class Participation: Random Calling and Anonymous Grading, John M. Rogers
The Role of Religion in Public Life and Official Pressure to Participate in Alcoholics Anonymous, Paul E. Salamanca
The Limits of Cross-Examination, Richard H. Underwood