
Property as a concept in the law means the right to own and control something and to exclude others from using and controlling it. This concept often is expressed as the rights owner having a monopoly over the thing that is owned. When the term “intellectual” is added to the concept of property, it means that the thing protected is a non-tangible item devised, imagined, developed, or invented by a person or group, and that thing has value deserving of protection in the law. Copyright is one form of intellectual property (“IP”), the others being trademarks, patents, right of publicity, moral rights, economic rights, and trade secrets.

This Article seeks to educate NFT creators, purchasers, and the attorneys who counsel them regarding the question of what, if any, of the copyrights to the tokenized works should be transferred or licensed to NFT purchasers and bring clarification to the issues of copyright transfer and licensing in the world of NFTs and blockchains.

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Notes/Citation Information

Michael D. Murray, Transfers and Licensing of Copyrights of NFT Purchasers, 6 Stan. J. Blockchain L. & Pol’y 119 (2023)



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