
Law is a funny thing. Nobody really knows what it is. And there’s so much of it! If you started reading the United States Code out loud today, you’d be hoarse before you got to Title 17. Even still, you’d barely be getting started. The Library of Babel has nothing on the mountain of laws we’ve already got or the avalanche we keep creating. No one could possibly read them all, let alone remember what they say. What a conundrum!

And yet, as a practical matter, we still seem to have a pretty good idea of what the law expects and requires. Most people live their entire lives without reading a single law but somehow manage to stay out of trouble. It’s a mystery how they manage. Or is it?

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Notes/Citation Information

Brian L. Frye, Deodand, 44 Seattle U. L. Rev. SUpra 55 (2021).

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Common Law Commons



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