
This article provides a survey of Kentucky case law on the topic of education. During the past survey year, the Kentucky Court of Appeals decided several cases in which public education was the common denominator. Developments occurred in the areas of student discipline, merger of first class city-county school districts, and due process requirements for removal of tenured teachers. The most significant case, however, was Dorr v. Fitzer, which involved the authority of a county board of education to reject, without cause, a school superintendent's recommendation that a teacher with four consecutive limited service contracts be granted a continuing service contract. In deciding this issue, the Court more precisely defined and significantly reshaped the contours of the Kentucky Teacher's Tenure Law. The effect and propriety of this decision will serve as the subject matter of this article.

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Notes/Citation Information

Kentucky Law Journal, Vol. 64, No. 2 (1975-1976), pp. 293-306

Included in

Education Law Commons



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