Start Date

10-30-2007 9:40 AM


Summer is the time during the growing season when shortages of forage most often occur in Kentucky. The summer of 2007 will long be remembered as one the warmest and driest in recent years and cause many livestock producers to evaluate their current forage systems. Most Kentucky pastures are predominately cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass and bluegrass. During the historically hot, dry periods in July and August, these species produce very little growth and can quickly become overgrazed. At this point, some producers have no alternative except to buy feed or begin feeding stored forage intended for winter feeding. According to Ag Economist, grazing is the cheapest way to feed livestock and the difference between profit and loss in the livestock business can usually be related back to the producer’s ability to grow his own feed.


Oct 30th, 9:40 AM

Options for Summer Grazing

Summer is the time during the growing season when shortages of forage most often occur in Kentucky. The summer of 2007 will long be remembered as one the warmest and driest in recent years and cause many livestock producers to evaluate their current forage systems. Most Kentucky pastures are predominately cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass and bluegrass. During the historically hot, dry periods in July and August, these species produce very little growth and can quickly become overgrazed. At this point, some producers have no alternative except to buy feed or begin feeding stored forage intended for winter feeding. According to Ag Economist, grazing is the cheapest way to feed livestock and the difference between profit and loss in the livestock business can usually be related back to the producer’s ability to grow his own feed.