Start Date

2-27-1992 9:45 AM


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is the highest yielding, highest quality legume forage crop raised in Kentucky. This crop forms the basis of Kentucky's cash hay enterprise and is an important component in dairy, horse, beef and sheep diets. In 1990, 320,000 acres of alfalfa were produced in Kentucky, averaging 3.4 tons of dry matter yield per acre. At $75 per ton, the value of this alfalfa to Kentucky farmers would be $81.6 million.

This report will provide current yield data on alfalfa varieties currently in the Kentucky Alfalfa Variety Trials. Also, guidelines on selecting alfalfa varieties will be discussed.


Feb 27th, 9:45 AM

Alfalfa Varieties

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is the highest yielding, highest quality legume forage crop raised in Kentucky. This crop forms the basis of Kentucky's cash hay enterprise and is an important component in dairy, horse, beef and sheep diets. In 1990, 320,000 acres of alfalfa were produced in Kentucky, averaging 3.4 tons of dry matter yield per acre. At $75 per ton, the value of this alfalfa to Kentucky farmers would be $81.6 million.

This report will provide current yield data on alfalfa varieties currently in the Kentucky Alfalfa Variety Trials. Also, guidelines on selecting alfalfa varieties will be discussed.