KWRRI Research Reports
This report summarizes the work completed under the research project "Evaluation of Dentention Basins for Controlling Urban Runoff and Sedimentation." The main project accomplishments were:
(1) a demonstration of the desirability of considering systems of urban stormwater detention basins as opposed to individual basin design,
(2) the development of a systems analysis approach for least cost selection of a system of dentention basins for meeting a preset hydrologic objective,
(3) the development of a mathematical, computer-based simulation model of the performance of sediment retention basins,
(4) partial verification of the sediment basin model and
(5) the development of design recommendations for sediment basins based on simulations made with the sediment basin model.
Publication Date
Report Number
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Funding Information
The work on which this report is based was supported in part by funds provided by the Office of Water Research and Technology, The United States Department of the Interior, as authorized under the Water Resources Act of 1964.
Repository Citation
Haan, C. T. and Ward, A. D., "Evaluation of Detention Basins for Controlling Urban Runoff and Sedimentation" (1978). KWRRI Research Reports. 90.