The purposes of this report are: 1. To clearly define the terms ''tandem," "tridem," and “triaxle." 2. To clearly define the term "600 pounds per inch width of tire" as the "width of the tread in contact with the pavement." 3. To make the axle load limits the same throughout the statutes. 4. To suggest elimination of indentified discriminatory legislation. 5. To recommend additional legislation: a. to clearly define the purpose and use of "air-bag" suspension systems -- those that can be raised or lowered by the driver, and b. to enable vehicle weight enforcement officers to use shipping documents as evidence to issue overweight citations without having to weigh the trucks. These documents may be in the possession of the driver, or in the files of the shipping and/ or receiving firms.
Report Date
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Repository Citation
Southgate, Herbert F. and Deen, Robert C., "Suggested Changes to Kentucky Statutes (Vehicle Weights and Dimensions)" (1985). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 951.
The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, the Federal Highway Administration, or the University of Kentucky. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.