Size is relative. Densely graded sand-asphalts are relatively similar to conventional, bituminous concretes. Porous sand-asphalts possess the same attributes as other porous, bituminous mixtures. Surely, sand-asphalt mixtures, can be designed to be as porous as the so-called, open-graded plantmix seals. Particle shape and texture otherwise define skid-resistance. Stability remains an assurance against scaling. Stability is assured by maximum utilization of filler-bitumen ratio and the stiffness of asphalt cement.
Report Date
Report Number
No. 385
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Havens, James H., "Porous Sand-Asphalt Mixtures" (1974). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 899.
Prepared for Session 47, Sponsored by Committee A2DOS: Program on Skid-Resistance - Corrective Measures using Bituminous Surfaces. 53rd Annual Meeting, Highway Research Board (Sheraton-Park Hotel Washington, D. C.: January 24, 1974).