The study involved an evaluation of reversibIe lanes as a method of increasing traffic flow. A unique feature of the system was allowing Ieft turns during the period of reversible flow, which meant that the left-turn lanes had to be moved and the signal displays shifted during operation and without interrupting traffic flow. The evaluation involved a comparison of data taken before and after installation of the reversible lanes. Types of data included delays, volumes, accidents, speeds, traffic conflicts, fuel consumption, and environmental factors.
Installation of the reversible lanes resulted in a significant savings in travel time in the peak direction. There was a large increase in travel times in the off-peak direction in the afternoon. An economic analysis based on current operating times showed a benefit-cost ratio of 6.90.
The reversibIe-lane system was successful; although, better signal coordination would improve operation. Data taken on two parallel arterial streets indicated reversible lanes on those streets are not warranted.
Report Date
Report Number
No. 549
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Agent, Kenneth R. and Clark, Jon D., "Evaluation of Reversible Lanes (Nicholasville Road; Lexington, KY)" (1980). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 794.
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