Allocation of resurfacing and rehabilitation monies began in 1967 with the separate funding of a resurfacing program. Pavement projects for resurfacing and rehabilitation were selected more often than not on the basis of politics and arbitrary (i.e., without the benefit of analysis of good inventory and condition data) judgments of decision makers. With the gradual introduction of more adequate roadway inventory and annual condition data, the formula for the allocation of funds has been gradually revised, updated, and improved so there is now a more logical and equitable distribution of funds.
With the formation of a pavement management staff in 1981, the quality of inventory and pavement distress data was greatly improved. Creation of the staff also introduced an organizational means whereby pavement condition information could be routinely used as one of the inputs upon which to base decisions regarding allocation of funds to resurfacing and rehabilitation projects.
The formula currently used to allocate funds is based upon the lane miles of highways in each district, the unit cost of asphaltic concrete in each of the districts, and the average pavement condition in each district. A modifying factor may be applied each year to assign greater weights to the conditions of the pavements in the various districts and to base allocations of funds more or less upon those conditions, depending upon objectives in any given year.
The pavement management staff of the Transportation Cabinet visits the districts each year to share results of pavement condition evaluations, to discuss resurfacing needs in the district compared to other districts, to discuss various pavement management matters, to explain the allocation formula, and to indicate what monies may be provided for the next year. These reviews with district personnel have been effective in convincing them of the appropriateness of the formula and the fairness in the allocations.
The intent is to bring about a more uniform condition of pavements throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky as well as to improve the overall statewide condition of pavements. The allocation formula is seen as a means of distributing funds in such a way as to eventually meet these goals.
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Rizenbergs, Rolands L. and Deen, Robert C., "Allocation of Resurfacing Monies to Highway Districts in Kentucky" (1987). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 717.