
The Freight Movement and lntermodal Access in Kentucky Study (SPR 98-189), undertaken by the Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) on behalf of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), has two main objectives. These objectives include 1) the evaluation of access for trucks between intermodal or other truck generating sites and the National Highway System (NHS) and 2) furthering the understanding of freight commodity flows throughout the state. This report summarizes the access evaluation for one cluster of sites located northwest of Owensboro in the Green River Area Development District (ADD) and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) Highway District #2. The location of the site is shown in Figure 1. Work on other specific sites as well as the freight commodity flow task are on-going and are documented elsewhere.

The sites to be evaluated were selected from two existing databases (a truck facility survey from 1994 and the intermodal facility inventory) based on ADD and KYTC planner recommendations, geographic location, distance to the NHS, and the number of trucks accessing the site. Consideration was also made for the freight type handled and transportation modes used.

The facilities for study in this report are the Owensboro Riverport Authority and Miles Farm Supply Dock, both of which are located northwest of Owensboro adjacent to the Ohio River. The truck routes were videotaped on February 27, 1998 and the site was visited for data collection on August 14 and 15, 1998. A phone survey was completed early in the study process in order to allow the facility managers to indicate truck routes and express concerns related to access-limiting issues of the truck routes. The surveys, which can be found in Appendix A, indicated that a total of approximately 225 trucks per day (two-way trips during the peak season) are accessing the site. The most common size truck for the Miles Farm Supply dock is a 48 foot semi-trailer. For the Owensboro Riverport Authority, the most common truck is a 53 foot semitrailer.

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