Audible pedestrian signals are a device used to provide additional traffic control at signalized intersections to aid visually impaired pedestrians. An objective of this study was to determine the status of the use of this device and investigate possible guidelines for possible future installations of audible pedestrian signals in Kentucky. Another specific objective was to investigate the need for such signals at a number of intersections at the University of Kentucky.
The study showed that audible pedestrian signals can be used to supplement the standard pedestrian signals. However, their use must be limited to intersections with a demonstrated need and a standard method of use must be adopted. To provide uniformity, the same device should be used for any new installations in Kentucky as has been used in the past.
When guidelines are provided in the MUTCD, the signals must be adapted to conform to those standards. In the interim, a list of guidelines was given for locations where an audible pedestrian signal should be considered. Also given are some interim guidelines for the installation of these signals.
Conclusions were reached that audible signals should be added to one approach at three intersections at the University of Kentucky. Use of the audible signal must be coordinated through groups representing the visually impaired so that proper training is provided. Any new installations should be monitored with any necessary changes made to the guidelines for where they should be considered and how they should be installed.
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Repository Citation
Agent, Kenneth R., "Use of Audible Pedestrian Signals" (1996). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 402.
The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the University of Kentucky or the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The inclusion of manufacturer names and trade names is for identification purposes, and is not to be considered an endorsement.