
In February of 1998, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet requested that the Kentucky Transportation Center investigate three corrugated metal pipe culverts on the relocation project of KY 61. The pipes were installed in June and July of 1997. The embankments over the three pipes were completed In October of 1997. Based on the information that was gathered, it appears that the pipes were manufactured according to specifications. The gage of the pipe is on the lower end of acceptance. The pipes appear to have been well aligned and properly bedded. Some of the dents and buckles in the pipe may have been induced during the early stages of construction. The CL backfill along with the 10 gage pipe should have not been used together. At this time, the deflection monitoring points indicate that the culverts appear to be stable (A vertical change of l-Inch was recorded at Station 226+60. 250 feet from the inlet on April 8. 1997. This reading needs to be verified). It is evident that the clay backfill is the controlling factor at tho time. At the time the soil samples were taken, on the average for all three culverts the degree of saturation was 83 percent. It is uncertain at this time if the soil will become further saturated.

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The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein, The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the University of Kentucky, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, nor the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The inclusion of manufacturer names and trade names are for identification purposes and ore not to be considered as endorsements.
