The primary objectives of this project were to further the understanding of freight flows throughout Kentucky and to make recommendations on the potential value of freight commodity flow data as an input for statewide transportation planning models. Freight flow data are difficult to accumulate and to convert to common units for use. However, the data available from Reebie Associates that were developed with the Federal Highway Administration have proved useful. The database itself was found to be consistent with other sources of aggregate freight data for Kentucky except for airports. The data assigned to the highway network was in general agreement with weigh station counts and previous research conducted by Morehead State University. However, modeled truck volumes were found to have poor correspondence with the 1996 KYTC classification counts particularly for non-freeway routes. These errors are attributed to the large zone size (3-digit zip code) used in the model as well as the representation of Tennessee as a single zone. Specific recommendations are made for KYTC's consideration for future freight transportation planning efforts.
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Aultman-Hall, Lisa; Johnson, Brad; and Aldridge, Brian, "Freight Commodity Flow in Kentucky" (1999). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 348.
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the University of Kentucky, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, the Federal Highway Administration or Reebie Associates. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.