
There are four basic types of guide signs related to tourist and recreational facilities, each with its own requirements and purpose. These include limited supplemental guide signs, cultural and recreational supplemental guide signs, fifth legend logos, and tourist oriented directional signs. Under the category of limited supplemental guide signs is a new pilot program to include a similar type sign at 10- and 20-mile points before an interchange. These signs are called post-interchange guide signs.

This report evaluates these experimental post-interchange guide signs. This evaluation included a before and after study of crash information including total numbers and trends, a survey of attraction visitors regarding motorist understanding of the signs, and a review of attendance records for the attractions.

The data shows the signs caused no increased crash risks for drivers. The survey results showed the signs were large enough for tourists to view with ease and that visitation increased because of the signs. Comments from the attraction representatives reinforced the fact that the signs were beneficial and should continue to be used.

Therefore, it appears that the use of post-interchange brown guide signs has been successful and that additional installations at selected locations are warranted.

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The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the University of Kentucky or the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The inclusion of manufacturer names or trade names is for identification purposes only and is not to be considered an endorsement.
