This document is the seventh edition of the Traffic Forecasting Report (TFR) for the state of Kentucky. TFR data are important for multiple engineering applications that involve analyzing temporal and spatial variability in traffic distributions and volumes. Most of the metrics discussed in the report were computed using data from 2019, 2021, and 2022 — excluded from consideration were 2020 data because they exhibited anomalous traffic patterns tied to shutdowns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Data summarized in this report include average daily traffic, annual average daily truck traffic, travel activity by vehicle type, weekday and weekend hourly volume percentages, monthly and daily volume count factors, monthly and daily DHV count factors, volume growth rates, traffic count stations, and current and projected populations for each county in Kentucky. Analysis found growth in traffic volumes is most pronounced on interstates and urban expressways, while most other types of roadways throughout the state have exhibited a downward trend in traffic.
Report Date
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Repository Citation
Chen, Mei; Zhang, Xu; and Antwi, Eugene, "PL 43 Traffic Forecasting Report 2023" (2024). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1801.