This manual describes the Crash Data Analysis Tool (CDAT), which can be used by KYTC staff and the agency’s work partners to securely access crash datasets. CDAT users can query and download data using flags stored during post-processing. Unlike KyOPS, however, CDAT’s location data are validated using geographic coordinates and several of county, route, and milepoint fields to ensure crashes are properly geocoded. CDAT grants access to data and information that can be used in conjunction with KYTC’s Data Driven Safety Analysis (DDSA) Implementation Guide to conduct highway safety analysis numerous KYTC processes. Historically, the Cabinet’s Division of Traffic Operations has occasionally requested this type of safety analysis. Now that CDAT is available, other business areas can realize benefits from advanced safety analysis. Recently, the Divisions of Planning and Design have collaborated with Traffic Operations to better understand how the HSM can be used in their routine functions. Moving forward, the DDSA Implementation Guide and CDAT will play an integral role in the Cabinet’s efforts to incorporate HSM methodology into its decision making. Additionally, CDAT can help maintain consistency across safety analyses. Often, KYTC staff and Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) researchers perform analyses that result in dissimilar crash counts. Inconsistent results are common when queries are complex or rely on specific crash location information, when different tools or different data sets are used, or if staff have incomplete knowledge of crash coding.
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Repository Citation
Green, Eric R. and Ross, Paul, "Crash Data Analysis Tool: Research Report + User Guide" (2020). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1708.
Crash Data Analysis Tool is available online at http://crashtool.uky.edu/.