The objectives of this study were to first evaluate the existing traffic conditions along the NE part of New Circle Road and investigate the use of unconventional left turn treatments, as well as other access restrictions to improve the operating conditions of New Circle Road. The alternatives examined include a do-nothing alternative, the addition of one through lane per direction, the use of median U-turns at various locations, and combinations of them. Restrictive left turn strategies proved to be a more successful tool for traffic management on New Circle Road than simply adding a lane in each direction. Using median U-turns, significant improvements were observed in all operating measures of the arterial. One of the main advantages to the improvements recommended in this study is that they can be constructed quickly and provide immediate improvement to arterial operating conditions without requiring any new right of way acquisition.
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Henderson, Steven M. and Stamatiadis, Nikiforos, "Conversion of New Circle Road to a Limited Access Highway" (1999). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1598.
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