The purpose of this short course is to provide information to the registered engineer (with no previous background in pavement design or pavement technology) on the structural design of pavements. Included in this course is a summary of background information on the materials used in pavement construction and on the history and evolution of pavement design. Included with this course is an updated Design Guide or catalog to be used for designing new pavements in Kentucky. The intent of the guide or catalog is to provide the road\\ a) designer with a simplified, straightforward methodology for developing structural designs of pavements.
Report Date
Report Number
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Kentucky Transportation Center, "Pavement Design Guide: A Short Course" (1999). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1504.
For projects off the National Highway System, less than 20,000,000 ESAL's, less than 15,000 ADT, and less than 20% trucks.