
This report (KTC-07-02/SPR246-02-1F) provides an overall summary on the seismic investigative study performed on bridges on/over the five parkways in Western Kentucky. The comprehensive study was further divided into the followings tasks, each reported separately as follows:

(1) The first report of this study (KTC-07-03/SRP246-02-2F) involved data collection and field inspection of bridges on/over the parkways. The resulting inventory contains data of three hundred fifty-one (351) bridges on/over the parkways, detailing their construction type, soil profile, present condition, etc.

(2) In KTC-07-04/SPR246-02-3F, a preliminary seismic evaluation and ranking was performed on all bridges within the inventory. Details of the evaluation and ranking procedure are outlined. In this task seventeen (17) bridges, that are deemed susceptible to major earthquakes, were identified.

(3) Detailed seismic evaluations of the seventeen (17) bridges were subsequently carried out using time-history analysis for a projected 250-year seismic event. The results of the analysis are presented in KTC-07-05/SPR246-02-4F.

(4) KTC-07-06/SPR246-02-5F presents the preliminary evaluation and ranking of bridge embankments along the parkways.

(5) The last report, numbered KTC-07-07/SPR246-02-6F, provides the latest seismic hazard maps for the expected earthquake (EE), probable earthquake (PE), and maximum credible earthquake (MCE), which will be used in seismic analysis and design of highway infrastructures in Kentucky.

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The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the University of Kentucky, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, nor the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The inclusion of manufacturer names or trade names is for identification purposes only and is not to be considered an endorsement.
