
The concept of Transportation System Management (TSM) is based on the use of transportation facilities for the efficient and safe movement of people and goods. Through a grant administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government contracted with the University of Kentucky (UK) to develop and implement a "Ridesharing Program" and a "Minor Traffic Control Improvements Program".

Discussions of the traffic safety problems around the University area by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council coincided with UK's initial work in the traffic safety portion of the grant. Following those discussions, a request was made by the Council that the Urban County Government's Divison of Traffic Engineering coordinate their efforts with the TSM study conducted by the University's Transportation Research Program. Recommendations from this study reflect the cooperative efforts of both parties; however, the major portion of the data collection and analyses was performed by the UK Transportation Research Program.

This report addresses the subject of a "Minor Traffic Control Improvements Program" on and around the University of Kentucky campus. Included is an overall review and analysis of high-accident intersections and streets. Specific emphasis was placed on accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists. Separate analyses were made to determine if speedrelated accidents constituted a serious problem or if a significant number of accidents were related to on-street parking. Special consideration was also given to the need for a "university traffic zone".

This study was an operational-type analysis with the objective of recommending relatively minor and inexpensive improvements that were implementable. Consideration was given to long-range plans of the University and the Urban County Government. Such plans include major changes in the transportation function of Euclid Avenue and Rose Street. While the University is interested in closing Rose Street and limiting any further expansion of Euclid Avenue, by the extension of Newtown Pike, the Urban County Government desires to provide improved transportation facilities in and around the University area. The traffic direction and volume related to University activities significantly affects flow on streets not only within the campus area but also off the campus area, notably South Limestone Street, Harrison Street, Woodland Avenue, Waller Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Maxwell Street, Cooper Drive, and Tates Creek Pike. However, changes resulting in major roadway construction were not extensively considered due to the limited focus of an operational study such as this. It should be noted that a major objective of the University regarding traffic and land use planning is that the campus area be more homogenous without significant intrusion by arterial and collector streets. It has been proposed that an eastside collector be built to connect University Drive with Woodland Avenue. Though not a panacea to all traffic problems in the Rose Street corridor, this concept could provide an alternative to improve campus traffic circulation.

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The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the University of Kentucky, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, nor the U.S. Department of Transportation. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
