
At the January 27, meeting of our Research Board,experiments with mulches for roadside grasses as proposed by a committee of the Highway Research Board, National Research Council, was discussed. The matter – as noted in item 7 of the minutes of that meeting – was directed to Professor Shaver and me with a request by Mr. Cutler that we confer with men in the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, and at our next meeting report on the practicability of these experiments.

On the afternoon of March 7, Prof. N.R. Elliott, Acting Head of the Department of Horticulture at the University, Prof. Shaver, and I had a conference in our Research Laboratory. Prof. Elliott reviewed the proposed experiments, commented on the favorable and unfavorable aspects, and in general made counter proposals which he though could be correlated with the Highway Research Board objectives but which would be more suited to conditions peculiar to Kentucky.

These suggestions are outlined on the attached sheet, the original of which was prepared by Prof. Elliott. Further appears to be in order before more specific action regarding experiments can be taken.

Report Date


Report Number

No. 25

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