
Patching pot-holes and resurfacing small areas of pavement entail certain compaction-equipment difficulties for the maintenance crews. Areas in need of repair are often small but may be widely scattered. Large steel-wheeled rollers are difficult to transport from one location to another and tend to bridge across small, deep pot-holes. The bridging effect can be reduced by use of small rollers or pneumatictired rollers, which conform better to the area to be patched. The efficiency of a patching crew depends greatly upon its mobility. The compaction equipment, therefore, should be portable, should conform to the area to be repaired, and should produce adequate density.

At the request of the Maintenance Division, we observed the construction of a test section and evaluated the densities achieved by several small self-propelled rollers. A section of roadway located on the University of Kentucky's Spindletop Farm was selected for the test project. This location provided a low traffic volume, and a uniform base condition. The road was closed by a gate, and it was possible to keep traffic off the test section until all samples had been obtained.

Report Date


Report Number

No. 183

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