In the summer of 1952 the Flexible Pavement Design Committee of the Highway Research Board began the sponsoring of a comparative design project. Several state highway departments and other organizations were invited to submit flexible pavement designs, based upon their own current practices, for the subgrade, materials, and traffic conditions of the Western Association of State Highway Officials (WASHO) test road. This road was being constructed in Malad, Idaho, through the participation of 13 western states and the Bureau of Public Roads. The Kentucky Department of Highways was one of the organizations invited to participate in the comparative design project.
Report Date
Report Number
No. 116
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Drake, William B., "The Application of Kentucky Flexible Pavement Design Method to WASHO Test Road Conditions" (1956). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1256.
A Report Presented at the Kentucky Highway Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington (March 29, 1956).