In earlier progress reports dealing with the development of triaxial acceleration analysis as applied to the evaluation of pavement riding qualities, of which this report is a continuation, riding comfort or discomfort was emphasized. The accelerations monitored then were evaluated in terms of g's per sec., or "jerk" which is considered by some authorities to be a more significant index of comfort. The earlier methods of analysis have been reviewed, and acceleration is considered here to be the most practical parameter to use as a measure of pavement roughness. Most of the equipment and instrumentation has been retained, and the recording of triaxial accelerations has been continued. However, only accelerations in the vertical direction are considered in the present method of analysis.
In the summer of 1957, some 265 miles of bituminous concrete pavements were recorded and analyzed as part of a study on flexible pavement design. Since then, some 1000 additional miles of bituminous and portland cement concrete pavements have been tested. These include some older pavements, newly constructed pavements, and Inter-state sections thus far completed. Some of the roads have been re-tested periodically. These roads represent a cross section of Kentucky pavements and give an indication of the status of pavement roughness from the standpoint of workmanship on new pavements, rate of deterioration, and the effects of re-surfacing.
Report Date
Report Number
No. 163
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Rizenbergs, Rolands L., "Analysis of Pavement Roughness" (1961). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1224.