This report deals with the identification and rehabilitation of high-risk drivers. Methods used to identify negligent drivers were examined. Kentucky's point system was compared to those tn other states. The consequences of drivers attending driverimprovement clinics were studied by analyzing driving records.
The analysis showed that accident involvement was directly related to the accumulation of penalty points and number of violations. Definite relationships were found between several specific types of violations and accidents.
A very significant improvement in driving records was noted for those drivers who completed a driver-improvement clinic; however, a similar improvement occurred for drivers eligible for the clinic but who did not attend. The driving record of persons completing a clinic remained poor compared to all other drivers. When a longer period after attending the clinic was considered (three to four years), an improvement in driving records was found for drivers who attended the driver-improvement clinic compared to those who did not attend the clinic.
A revised point system was recommended for Kentucky. The revisions included changes in the number of points assessed for various violations and the types of violations to be included. The recommendations were based on an analysis of point systems used in other states and an analysis of driving records contained in the master driver license file.
Report Date
Report Number
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Repository Citation
Agent, Kenneth R., "Identification and Rehabilitation of High-Risk Drivers" (1981). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1010.
The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the University of Kentucky nor of the Kentucky Department of Transportation. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.