Kentucky Law Journal | Law Journals | University of Kentucky


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The Kentucky Law Journal is the tenth oldest continually-published law review in the nation. Publication has been continuous since 1913. The Journal publishes four annual issues in print as well as online original articles and notes. The Journal is edited by a student editorial board, with guidance from a faculty advisor. Each issue contains articles written by prominent national scholars and notes written by Journal members that encompass a broad range of legal topics.

The Journal’s primary commitment is to publish scholarly articles of interest to the legal community. In this pursuit, the Journal serves as an integral element in the process of education for the best students at the University of Kentucky College of Law by training students in the finest form of legal research and writing. The Journal also affords students opportunities for collaboration, and by publishing student works, the Journal also functions as an elegant forum for student ideas and activism. Beyond the College of Law, the Journal serves the legal and academic community as an arena for vigorous debate about the law.

Current Issue: Volume 108, Issue 4 (2020)

Table of Contents

