
Class Year
Kit Carson Elswick, LL.B.
Estep, Kentucky
Mountain Club; Democratic Club; Henry Clay Law Society; Attorney-General (3); Treasurer (4); Senior Football Team; Law Baseball Team (3).
Kit Carson has a Louisa over on the banks of the Big Sandy, and she expects much of him. If his college life is an index to the future, we say she will not be disappointed. He is just himself on all occasions and is one of the few fellows who do not care to copy or pretend.
-The Kentuckian, 1917
Kit Carson Elswick (September 21, 1892 or 1893 - October 3, 1986) was born in Estep, Kentucky to David Wise Elswick and Laura Adelaide Queen. Elswick practiced law in Lawrence County and served three terms as the Lawrence County attorney. He was later appointed as an Assistant United States District Attorney in Lexington. Elswick served in this capacity for over 20 years. He married Elizabeth Ann Burgess.