College of Law Class of 1910
Class Year
Carroll Gholson Taylor -- "Doll"
Lexington, KY
LL. B., Key Mystic Thirteen Glee Club, '09 Band, '09.
Carroll engineered Freshman flag rush, tried Mechanics, and learned the automobile business. Quite a society man, always gets his name in the "400 column" the day after. Almost equals Sousa in some respects. Undoubtedly will occupy the footstool at the supreme bench some day.
-The Kentuckian, 1910
Carroll Gholson Taylor (April 7, 1890 - October 1, 1963) was the son of John Crittenden Taylor and Honorah Cross Baker. After graduation, Taylor worked as a stockbroker in New York City and Chicago. He married Marion Celia McFadden in 1932.