College of Law Class of 1910
Class Year
Louis Ichize Ogata -- "Togo"
Kumamoto, Japan
LL. B., Vice-President Henry Clay Law Society, Editor Students' Directory, Member Y.M.C.A.
The Smiling Kid from Mikado. Louis has shown great improvement in his studies since he came to Kentucky, and favoring chap in college, but Louis possessed but one failing — that was the love of American girls. No one from the Land of the Rising Sun has ever shown such social propensities in this section of the country as did Louis.
-The Kentuckian, 1910
Louis Ogata* (June 1, 1883 - March 28, 1914) migrated to the United States between 1903 and 1906. He first attended law school at the University of Illinois. Ogata then attended the University of Kentucky College of Law. He wrote many articles for the Lexington Herald and Lexington Leader regarding Japanese/US relations and his thoughts on American culture. Additionally, he traveled the US on behalf of the Japanese government to report on the American legal education system. Ogata worked in various endeavors across the US before his death in 1914.
*Middle initial often given as I or J, sometimes as Ichize or Ichige. Ogata's name is likely Ichiji.