Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center Special Report
From Executive Summary:
1. There were 605 suicides among Kentucky residents in the year 2010, up 7% from the 567 recorded in the year 2009.
2. The Kentucky resident age-adjusted suicide rate increased from 12.8 per 100,000 population in 2009 to 13.5 per 100,000 population in 2010, a 5.5% increase.
3. Firearms were the primary means of completed suicide from 2001-2010.
4. Kentucky residents aged 45-54 were the age group that completed suicide most frequently in 2010.
5. The age-adjusted rate for Kentucky self-harm-related hospitalizations increased 7.6% from 2010-2011 (52.5 hospitalizations per 100,000 population in 2010 to 56.5 hospitalizations in 2011).
6. Kentucky females were the gender most often hospitalized for self-harm and most were due to poisonings, over the study period from 2001-2011.
7. Kentucky self-harm hospitalization charges totaled $42.3 million in the year 2011.
8. The age adjusted rate for Kentucky self-harm related emergency department visits was 77.2 visits per 100,000 population in 2011.
9. Kentucky females visited the emergency department for self-related harm more often than males from 2008-2011.
10. Kentucky residents aged 15-24 were the age group that most frequently visited the Kentucky emergency department related to self-harm from 2008-2011.
11. Kentucky self-harm related emergency department visit charges totaled $7.92 million in the year 2011. 12. The highest number of Kentucky emergency department visits for self-harm were due to poisonings from 2008-2011.
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Repository Citation
Pope, Kayla and Slavova, Svetla, "Suicides and Suicide Attempts in Kentucky, 2001–2011" (2012). Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center Special Report. 2.