Report of Investigations--KGS



Submissions from 2023


Assessing Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Potential in Kentucky to Augment Energy Production from Renewable Resources, J Richard Bowersox and John B. Hickman


Reconnaissance of Landslides and Debris Flows Associated with the July 2022 Flooding in Eastern Kentucky, Matt M. Crawford, Zhenming Wang, Seth Carpenter, Jonathan Schmidt, Hudson J. Koch, and Jason M. Dortch

Submissions from 2022


Landslide Susceptibility Map of Martin County, Kentucky, Matthew C. Crawford, Hudson J. Koch, Jason M. Dortch, and William C. Haneberg


Landslide Susceptibility Map of Floyd County, Kentucky, Matthew M. Crawford, Hudson J. Koch, Jason M. Dortch, and William C. Haneberg


Landslide Susceptibility Map of Johnson County, Kentucky, Matthew M. Crawford, Hudson J. Koch, Jason M. Dortch, and William C. Haneberg


Landslide Susceptibility Map of Pike County, Kentucky, Matthew M. Crawford, Hudson J. Koch, Jason M. Dortch, and William C. Haneberg


Landslide Susceptibility Map of Magoffin County, Kentucky, Matthew M. Crawford, Hudson J. Koch, Jason M. Dortch, William C. Haneberg, and Ashton A. Killen


Phase I Activities of the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) in the Western Kentucky Fluorspar District, Georgina Lukoczki, Craig Dietsch, John B. Hickman, Emily Morris, Douglas C. Curl, Carrie Pulliam, Stephanie Vicroy, and William M. Andrews Jr.

Submissions from 2020


Geologic Characterization, Hydrologic Monitoring, and Soil-Water Relationships for Landslides in Kentucky, Matthew M. Crawford, L. Sebastian Bryson, Zhenming Wang, and Edward W. Woolery


An Update of Seismic Monitoring and Research in the Vicinity of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: January 2018–December 2019, Zhenming Wang, N. Seth Carpenter, and Edward W. Woolery

Submissions from 2019


Mineralogy and Chemistry of Rare Earth Elements in Alkaline Ultramafic Rocks and Fluorite in the Western Kentucky Fluorspar District, Warren H. Anderson


Seismic Monitoring and Baseline Microseismicity in the Rome Trough, Eastern Kentucky, N. Seth Carpenter, Andrew S. Holcomb, Zhenming Wang, John B. Hickman, and Edward W. Woolery


Using Watershed Pour-Point Elevations to Evaluate the Base of Fresh Groundwater in the Cumberland Plateau of Eastern Kentucky, Ethan S. L. Davis, Thomas M. Parris, and Jerrad Grider


Major Lower Paleozoic Horizons of the Southern Illinois Basin, John B. Hickman


CO2-Enhanced Gas Recovery in Shale: Lessons Learned in the Devonian Ohio Shale of Eastern Kentucky, Brandon C. Nuttall


An Update of Seismic Monitoring and Research in the Vicinity of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: January 2013–December 2017, Zhenming Wang, Edward W. Woolery, and N. Seth Carpenter

Submissions from 2018


Ground Motions Induced by the March 11, 2018, Implosion of the Capital Plaza Tower, Frankfort, Kentucky, N. Seth Carpenter, Michael J. Lynch, Brandon C. Nuttall, Zhenming Wang, and Andrew S. Holcomb


Characteristics of Cover-Collapse Sinkholes in Kentucky, James C. Currens


Structural Evolution and Petroleum Potential of a Cambrian Intracratonic Rift System: Mississippi Valley Graben, Rough Creek Graben, and Rome Trough, John B. Hickman and David C. Harris

Submissions from 2017


Field Investigation of an Active Landslide In Kentucky: A Framework to Correlate Electrical Data and Shear Strength, Matthew M. Crawford and L. Sebastian Bryson

Submissions from 2016


Heavy-Oil and Bitumen Resources of the Big Clifty Sandstone, Northeastern Grayson County and Adjacent Hardin County, Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox


Heavy-Oil and Bitumen Resources of the Western Kentucky Tar Sands, J. Richard Bowersox


Earthquake Hazard Mitigation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone: Science and Public Policy, Alice M. Orton, Zhenming Wang, Lanmin Wang, and Edward W. Woolery


Site Characteristics, Instrumentation, and Recordings of the Central United States Seismic Observatory, Edward W. Woolery, Zhenming Wang, and N. Seth Carpenter

Submissions from 2015


Geologic, Geotechnical, and Geophysical Investigation of a Shallow Landslide, Eastern Kentucky, Matthew M. Crawford, Junfeng Zhu, and Steven E. Webb