Map and Chart--KGS


This series of 14 regional cross sections illustrates subsurface stratigraphic correlations of Mississippian (upper Carboniferous) rocks in the Appalachian Basin of eastern Kentucky. These cross sections were constructed as part of a regional stratigraphic study of the Mississippian "Big Lime," a major oil- and gas-producing formation. The series illustrates 10 dip-oriented and 4 strike-oriented lines, extending from the Slade Formation outcrop belt on the northwest, to the state borders on the east and south. Stratigraphic and structural versions are shown for each section to better illustrate thickness and structural variations. These cross sections served as the regional framework during collection of stratigraphic data for the Big Lime project. Stratigraphic tops were collected for almost 8,000 wells in eastern Kentucky, from the top of the Mississippian to the Devonian black shale. Tops data shown in the cross sections are available in digital form from the Kentucky Geological Survey (Open-File Report OF-97-03).

Publication Date



Series XII

Report Number

Map and Chart 14

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


© 2000 University of Kentucky

Included in

Geology Commons
