Map and Chart--KGS
This map is not intended to be used for selecting individual sites. Its purpose is to inform land-use planners, government officials, and the public in a general way about geologic bedrock conditions that affect the selection of sites for various purposes. The properties of thick soils may supercede those of the underlying bedrock and should be considered on a site-to-site basis. At any site, it is important to understand the characteristics of both the soils and the underlying rock.
Publication Date
Series XII
Report Number
Map and Chart 135
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Repository Citation
Carey, Daniel I. and Eclov, Peter, "Generalized Geologic Map for Land-Use Planning: Mercer County, Kentucky" (2006). Map and Chart--KGS. 133.
Copyright 2006 by the University of Kentucky, Kentucky Geological Survey