Information Circular--KGS
The Camp Nelson Limestone of the High Bridge Group (Upper Ordovician) is mined at seven sites in central and north-central Kentucky for industrial, construction, and agricultural uses. As part of a regional investigation of its chemical characteristics, a 67-foot section in the upper Camp Nelson, which is being mined at Boonesborough, Madison County, was sampled for major-element analysis.
The upper Camp Nelson in the Boonesborough Mine consists of two zones (23 and 30 feet thick) of low-silica stone (4 percent or less total SiO2) separated by a 14-foot section of slightly argillaceous limestone with an average silica content of 5.19 percent. The lower 23-foot zone has an average silica content of 1.75 percent and an average total carbonate (CaCO3 + MgCO3) content of 96.03 percent. The upper 30-foot zone has an average silica content of 2.48 percent and an average total carbonate content of 93.17 percent.
A statistical study showed a relationship between the sampling interval and the reliability of the mean carbonate (or contaminant) value for a limestone ledge. Moderately high reliability (0.80 to 0.85) can be obtained by taking three to four samples per ledge. If only high reliability (0.90) of the mean value is acceptable, samples should be taken at 1-foot intervals. Very high reliability would require sampling at 1/2-foot intervals.
Publication Date
Series XI
Report Number
Information Circular 51
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Repository Citation
Dever, Garland R. Jr.; Anderson, Warren H.; Francis, Henry E.; Davidson, O. Barton; and Thompson, Mark F., "Chemical and Statistical Analysis of a Sampled Interval in the Camp Nelson Limestone (Upper Ordovician) Madison County, Central Kentucky" (1994). Information Circular--KGS. 55.