About This Journal | Kaleidoscope | Office of Undergraduate Research | University of Kentucky

About This Journal

Kaleidoscope, the University of Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship, is a refereed online journal published annually by The Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky. The journal promotes the advancement of knowledge by publishing reports of the unique experiential endeavors of undergraduate students at the University of Kentucky. The journal accepts reports of all forms of creativity and scholarship by undergraduate students including, but not necessarily limited to: artistic and musical creations; creative writing and poetry; and reports of studies and research in the humanities, the social, natural, and medical sciences, agriculture, business, architecture, and engineering. While Volumes 1-8 (2002-2009), were published in traditional print format, the journal is now published online, along with all back volumes. The online versions may include creative materials, such as performances and art work, which cannot be reproduced on paper. As part of a larger network of online publications supported by UK Libraries, Kaleidoscope provides each publication with its own permanent URL in a searchable format, convenient for display on resumes, and graduate and professional school applications.

The journal includes a variety of articles, reports, and other productions by students including, but not limited to:

1. Full-length journal articles resulting from students’ creative research, and other scholarly undertakings;
2. Musical and artistic creations, such as recordings of recitals ad galleries of paintings, photographs, or sculptures;
3. Undergraduate Honors and Gaines Fellow theses;
4. Oswald Research and Creativity Program abstracts, Summer Research Grant reports;
5. Brief reports of works in progress, travel, internship experiences, and other educational activities;
6. Articles or letters expressing opinions on issues related to undergraduate scholarship and previous reports in the journal;
7. Announcements, calls for papers, and notices of other opportunities for undergraduate scholarship

Kaleidoscope ceased publication in 2014.