Theme 1: Grassland Ecology


High mountain grassland ecosystems are the best pastures of Golestan province in Iran. These grasslands are an effective means of soil conservation and offer standing green fodder for livestock. Sar Ali-abad summer rangeland with an area of 780 ha is a representative of mountain ecosystems of Golestan province. Estimating forage production to avoid overgrazing is a necessity to ensure the long-term sustainability of these natural ecosystems. To estimate rangeland productivity and carrying capacity was the major objective while, comparing three methods of clipping and weighing (CW), double sampling (DS), and comparative yield (CY) by using 1-m2 plots was the minor objective of this study. There were high correlation coefficients (0.90-0.99) for DS and CY, so the estimated and ranked data were corrected based on the regression equations. There were linear relationships between the corrected and clipped data for the DS and CY methods which confirmed the suitability of both methods against the CW. Currently, the study area was stocked with 1580 AU. Based on the CW method and allowable use (50% of total forage production), potential forage intake of 60 kg sheep (2% body weight), and the area of pasture (700 ha after adjusted for non-usable cliffy area), the total DM of study area was 272825 kg. This amount of forage will support 1516 AUs for grazing season of which this summer range site with limited grazing period was not overgrazed. By using CY and DS methods, we have simulated the regression models for DM estimation. Instead of clipping 180 one square plots, about 30 to 40 plots were clipped which were non-destructive, rapid, and cost effective.



Crop Yield Estimation and Carrying Capacity in Sar Ali-Abad Summer Rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran

High mountain grassland ecosystems are the best pastures of Golestan province in Iran. These grasslands are an effective means of soil conservation and offer standing green fodder for livestock. Sar Ali-abad summer rangeland with an area of 780 ha is a representative of mountain ecosystems of Golestan province. Estimating forage production to avoid overgrazing is a necessity to ensure the long-term sustainability of these natural ecosystems. To estimate rangeland productivity and carrying capacity was the major objective while, comparing three methods of clipping and weighing (CW), double sampling (DS), and comparative yield (CY) by using 1-m2 plots was the minor objective of this study. There were high correlation coefficients (0.90-0.99) for DS and CY, so the estimated and ranked data were corrected based on the regression equations. There were linear relationships between the corrected and clipped data for the DS and CY methods which confirmed the suitability of both methods against the CW. Currently, the study area was stocked with 1580 AU. Based on the CW method and allowable use (50% of total forage production), potential forage intake of 60 kg sheep (2% body weight), and the area of pasture (700 ha after adjusted for non-usable cliffy area), the total DM of study area was 272825 kg. This amount of forage will support 1516 AUs for grazing season of which this summer range site with limited grazing period was not overgrazed. By using CY and DS methods, we have simulated the regression models for DM estimation. Instead of clipping 180 one square plots, about 30 to 40 plots were clipped which were non-destructive, rapid, and cost effective.