Track 2‐6‐1: Developing Intensive and Extensive Forage Production with Environment Friendly Technologies and Adoption of Mechanization
Unavailability of sufficient quantity of fodder is identified as one of the major constraints in achieving desired level of livestock productivity. The available fodder can meet the demand of only 47% of total livestock population. Since green fodder cultivation is not under farmers practice in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, maximum animals due to unavailability of sufficient quantity of green fodder, fight to prevent their life. Due to lack of knowledge about improved variety of berseem and their suitable package and practices, the farmers not capable to produce the quantity required per day basis. In view of this, KVK Panna is playing a pivotal role to enhance the production and productivity of berseem (a green fodder) through suitable package and practices that can be beneficial for milch cattle to increase their productivity.
Singh, Rajiv Kumar and Kirar, B. S., "Enhancement in Milk Production through Improved Production Technique of Green Fodder" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 10.
Included in
Enhancement in Milk Production through Improved Production Technique of Green Fodder
Unavailability of sufficient quantity of fodder is identified as one of the major constraints in achieving desired level of livestock productivity. The available fodder can meet the demand of only 47% of total livestock population. Since green fodder cultivation is not under farmers practice in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, maximum animals due to unavailability of sufficient quantity of green fodder, fight to prevent their life. Due to lack of knowledge about improved variety of berseem and their suitable package and practices, the farmers not capable to produce the quantity required per day basis. In view of this, KVK Panna is playing a pivotal role to enhance the production and productivity of berseem (a green fodder) through suitable package and practices that can be beneficial for milch cattle to increase their productivity.