Track 2-5-1: Traditional Grassland Management, Animal Husbandry, and Nomadism
Yak rearing on alpine pastures is the main occupation of the highland pastoral nomads (Brokpa and Dokpas) of north-east (NE) India. These pastoral nomads living in the remote mountains solely rely on high altitude pastures for their nutritional and livelihood security because of virtual existence of agricultural activities in this area. They rear yaks under transhumance and utilize various pastures while migrating from low land winter pastures to high altitude alpine pastures during summer. Therefore, the temperate and alpine pastures are the major feed resources for the yaks. The indiscriminate use of pastures and impending climate change results in their degradation that may affect the productivity of the animals reared on them. In this study, an attempt was made to evaluate the status of pastures used for yak rearing in NE India and an initiative has been taken to test the adaptability of palatable high yielding temperate grasses for pasture development and rejuvenation.
Paul, Vijay; Maiti, Sanjit; Krishnan, G.; Medhi, D.; and Deb, S. M., "Yak Rearing on High Altitude Pastures of Northeastern Himalaya of India: Their Utilization Strategies and Rejuvenation" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 10.
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Yak Rearing on High Altitude Pastures of Northeastern Himalaya of India: Their Utilization Strategies and Rejuvenation
Yak rearing on alpine pastures is the main occupation of the highland pastoral nomads (Brokpa and Dokpas) of north-east (NE) India. These pastoral nomads living in the remote mountains solely rely on high altitude pastures for their nutritional and livelihood security because of virtual existence of agricultural activities in this area. They rear yaks under transhumance and utilize various pastures while migrating from low land winter pastures to high altitude alpine pastures during summer. Therefore, the temperate and alpine pastures are the major feed resources for the yaks. The indiscriminate use of pastures and impending climate change results in their degradation that may affect the productivity of the animals reared on them. In this study, an attempt was made to evaluate the status of pastures used for yak rearing in NE India and an initiative has been taken to test the adaptability of palatable high yielding temperate grasses for pasture development and rejuvenation.