Track 2-4-1: Water Harvesting, Watershed Management, Water Use Efficiency and Eco-Hydrology
Napier bajra hybrid (Pennisetum glaucum x P. purpureum) is a highly valued for its abundant quality forage, round the year fodder availability, regenerative ability and suitability to silage and hay making. It yields upto 110-120 t/ha fresh fodder as sole crop. Though, it requires moist regimes for optimum growth, but it can withstand drought for a short spell and regenerate with rains. It contains 8.7-10.2 % crude protein, 28-30.5% crude fibre and 10-11.5 % ash on dry matter basis (Agrawal et al., 2001). The hybrid napier has wider adaptability and is grown all over the country, particularly in milk shed area of Gujrat, Maharashtra and north and central India.
Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) as a function of crop stages is important in determining crop water use for efficient irrigation management. Evapotranspiration loss and the rate of evapotranspiration at different cutting stages indicate the amount of water required at different growth periods for its satisfactory growth and optimum production. Few results in measurement of evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of fodder crops are available (Alvarez and Quiroga, 1992; Pradeep Behari et al., 2003). The water stress in the plant can be quantified by actual evapotranspiration rate, as the level of evapotranspiration is related to the evaporative demand of the air (Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979). However, the information on these aspects for hybrid napier is lacking. In present study we estimate, the water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of the hybrid napier in central India.
Singh, J. B.; Agrawal, Rajiv K.; and Behari, Pradeep, "Water Use Efficiency and Evapotranspiration of Hybrid Napier (Pennisetum purpureum x P. americanum) under Semi-Arid Indian Region" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 12.
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Water Use Efficiency and Evapotranspiration of Hybrid Napier (Pennisetum purpureum x P. americanum) under Semi-Arid Indian Region
Napier bajra hybrid (Pennisetum glaucum x P. purpureum) is a highly valued for its abundant quality forage, round the year fodder availability, regenerative ability and suitability to silage and hay making. It yields upto 110-120 t/ha fresh fodder as sole crop. Though, it requires moist regimes for optimum growth, but it can withstand drought for a short spell and regenerate with rains. It contains 8.7-10.2 % crude protein, 28-30.5% crude fibre and 10-11.5 % ash on dry matter basis (Agrawal et al., 2001). The hybrid napier has wider adaptability and is grown all over the country, particularly in milk shed area of Gujrat, Maharashtra and north and central India.
Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) as a function of crop stages is important in determining crop water use for efficient irrigation management. Evapotranspiration loss and the rate of evapotranspiration at different cutting stages indicate the amount of water required at different growth periods for its satisfactory growth and optimum production. Few results in measurement of evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of fodder crops are available (Alvarez and Quiroga, 1992; Pradeep Behari et al., 2003). The water stress in the plant can be quantified by actual evapotranspiration rate, as the level of evapotranspiration is related to the evaporative demand of the air (Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979). However, the information on these aspects for hybrid napier is lacking. In present study we estimate, the water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of the hybrid napier in central India.